Let’s Just Abolish Freedom of Speech

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By J-on Editorial Board

It is a sad day for J-on when a video was ‘requested’ to be removed from the site despite the goodwill and voluntary efforts of their journalists and editors to educate and inform the UTAR community.

There are two teams running for the SRC election, one would be EMPOWER, the other cannot be named.

Each candidate should ask themselves deep inside, whether they are doing what is right for the university, for the students, and for progress.

But we guess not everyone is willing to sacrifice for progress because the last time we checked, progress includes freedom of speech, one of the most fundamental components for democracy and something sacred that has been tainted today.

Common sense dictates that when a person runs for office and gives a public speech in public, that the public has the right to at least know the names of their supposed future leader. I suppose common sense is uncommon.

We are glad that at least one of these teams has the strength to stand up for freedom of speech and the knowledge that a person can only sue another when defamation is involved.

We find no better way to end this than borrowing part of Max Erhmann’s Desiderata,

Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Do we want to strive for high ideals or do we want to be vain?

Video of two teams running for SRC election were available in original news post.

Video of another team removed upon one of the candidate's request, claiming right to sue J-on for allegedly violating privacy.

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