Letter to the Editor, where Mature Expression Begins


LCD Monitor Stolen from UTAR


Operation Bald


Earth Hour 2010 - A Message from J-on


What have You Done to Make a Better Change?


SRC Chairman Exclusive Interview in Video


UTAR Decided Activities’ Agenda, SRC is Puppet Body


活动议程与目标由拉大制定 学生代表会是拉大傀儡


两届SRC主席 见解不一 护学生挺校方 各持己见




What are the Orang Asli Angry about?


Malpractices Alleged at 1Malaysia Clinics


1 Black Sharing Session


分享会上赠金言 媒体想太多没自由空间




DPM Wants Varsity Students To Be Open Minded In Helping Racial Integration


My University, My Home – not.


30 Bicycles Chained by Department of Safety and Security


拉大生吃饱不收碟 屡见不鲜




If Everyone Loves and Concerns for the Party…


New courses for 2010


UTAR students illegally sell fake parking stickers


拉大开放日人潮多 新生人数亦有望增加


Voucher for Damages




Afternoon Fire At Cemetery
