Is the low ratio of police reporting cohered with residential security?

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By Tiffany Onn Min-l, Wong Wei Mun
Photo by Wong Wei Mun

Kampar, April 14 (J-On) - The issue of security in Eastlake has been a constant factor for students residing and are to reside in this low density community.

Sightings of police cruisers around Eastlake at night have not deterred certain crimes from happening.

A computer science student Jerry Chong, 21, has been residing in Eastlake some four months, have told J-on that he and his housemates have lost nine pieces of clothing when it was hung out to dry.

According to Jerry, the incident happened around 11pm as it was a norm for them to leave their gate open until all their housemates were back.

He said he saw a tall man some 170 cm leaving the house but thought that it was a housemate’s friend.

“Nowadays, we lock the gate at 11pm and we try to dry our clothes in the morning. We informed our neighbors about this incident. Some were surprised whereas some already knew about it,” he said.

Chong will be more conscience to the security of his house.

Jerry also complained about the main road to UTAR’s east gate being very dark at night as there are no lights along that long stretch, making students who finish class late an easy prey.

An accounting student Lim Soh Koon, 23, has had a different experience as she was on her way to an 8am class when she and a group of girls heard a man wolf whistling at them.

She said that when he got their attention, he flashed them by opening his coat only to reveal that he was wearing only that coat.

However, Lim said that although they never made any police report, they never saw that man again.

Lim has never seen the flasher again since the incident in Dec 2009.

According to Sergeant Police Officer Kampar, Abdul Hadi Baba, 56, house break-in cases that they received mostly happened during the semester break.

“Since the beginning of 2010, there are no cases reported due to any crime at Kampar Perdana, Eastlake,” he added.

He said that residents can go to the Kampar police station to inform the police whenever they are leaving their house for a period of time. This can increase awareness of police cruisers when they are performing their duties.

The decreasing number of police reports in 2010 is good news for the residents at Eastlake, however, the victims who J-on interviewed did not make any police report after the incidents which could also be reflected on the amount of police reports received.

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