J-on Keeps On Playing its Role

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The very first month for J-on had ended, and more great challenges to be faced in the coming future.

In the duration of the first month, J-on had been trying it’s very best to be alert with various kinds of issues that are relevant to UTAR community. The only reason for J-on to do so: to inform and to educate.

An effective information flow in the campus is yet to be improved. J-on realize clearly that transparency of policy and system is the most desperate expectation from the students.

Tension always arisen due to the lacking of acknowledgement. However, when J-on was trying so hard to ease the unnecessary tension, obstacles came to test the professionalism.

J-on faced some hardship to obtain the most precise information from relevant and credible sources for news process. This is probably due to untrustworthiness from the sources towards newly established J-on.

This had led to many pending interesting news story to be presented here.

When the journalists being rejected by the interviewees, and also the sources declined to comment anything, J-on was not giving up by keep on reaching a compromising situation between the both sides.

Obstacles are catalysts and stimulus for J-on to grow stronger and stronger.

By carrying the vision of information and education firmly, J-on had patiently overcome the obstacles and more effort to be put for the sake of perfect role performing.

This is the promise to all UTAR community. In addition, the community is not only limited to students, but also the bureaucrats and those intellects.

Of course, J-on will not survive without the support of all sources and readers. Sources are those who provide J-on information for news production, while readers are the community that J-on targeted.

Non-partisan news reporting and moving towards for betterment, that is why J-on still exist.

J-on Chief Editor

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